2024-2026 Six-man Football Region/District
Number of Sixman Football Schools: 153
Number of Sixman Football Schools: 153
- 61.5 - 104.9 Division I Cut-off
- 0 - 61.4 Division II Cut-off
2024-2026 Region/District
Division I - 77 teams Enrollment: 61.5 - 104.9
Region 1 (20 teams)
District 1: Booker Boys Ranch Claude White Deer Wildorado District 2: Happy Hart Kress Nazareth Springlake-Earth District 3: Borden County Meadow O'Donnell Wellman-Union Whiteface District 4: Buena Vista Garden City Grady Marfa Rankin |
Region 2 (20 teams)
District 5: Lorenzo Petersburg Silverton Spur Valley District 6: Bryson Knox City Newcastle Northside Perrin-Whitt District 7: Hermleigh Highland Ira Roby Rotan Westbrook District 8: Irion County Paint Rock Robert Lee Veribest Water Valley |
Region 3 (19 teams)
District 9: Avalon Blum Covington Milford Walnut Springs District 10: Campbell Leveretts Chapel Saint Jo Savoy Union Hill District 11: Abbott Aquilla Coolidge Gholson Penelope District 12: Apple Springs Burkeville Chester High Island |
Region 4 (18 teams)
District 13: Baird Gordon Gorman Lingleville Ranger District 14: Jonesboro Lometa May Santa Anna District 15: Eden Leakey Medina Menard Nueces Canyon District 16: Benavides Knippa Prairie Lea Runge |
Division II - 76 teams Enrollment: 0 - 61.4
Region 1 (21 teams)
District 1: Darrouzett Follett Groom Lefors Miami District 2: Hedley McLean Motley County Paducah Patton Springs District 3: Amherst Anton Cotton Center Lazbuddie Whitharral District 4: Dawson Klondike Loop Sands Southland Wilson |
Region 2 (20 teams)
District 5: Balmorhea Fort Davis Grandfalls-Royalty Sanderson Sierra Blanca District 6: Blackwell Bronte Loraine Olfen Trent District 7: Benjamin Chillicothe Crowell Guthrie Harrold District 8: Aspermont Jayton Lueders-Avoca Paint Creek Rule |
Region 3 (16 teams)
District 9: Moran Strawn Throckmorton Woodson District 10: Gold-Burg Fannindel Forestburg District 11: Bluff Dale Iredell Kopperl Morgan Three Way District 12: Bynum Mount Calm Oakwood Trinidad |
Region 4 (19 teams)
District 13: Blanket Gustine Rising Star Sidney Zephyr District 14: Cranfills Gap Evant Mullin Oglesby Priddy District 15: Brookesmith Lohn Panther Creek Richland Springs Rochelle District 16: Buckholts Calvert Cherokee Pawnee |
Realignment: 2022-2024
1A Schools Choosing to play 11-man 2024 (9 schools)
Bruni, Crosbyton, Cross Plains, D'Hanis, Hamlin, Hull-Daisetta, Munday, Rocksprings, Shamrock
Bruni, Crosbyton, Cross Plains, D'Hanis, Hamlin, Hull-Daisetta, Munday, Rocksprings, Shamrock
Outlaw Six-man in 2024
Fort Hancock (2A), Fruitvale (2A)
Fort Hancock (2A), Fruitvale (2A)
2024 11-man Moving to Six-man
Booker, Boys Ranch, Water Valley
Booker, Boys Ranch, Water Valley
2023 2A Schools Moving Down to 1A for 2024-2026
Booker, Boys Ranch, Broaddus#, Hamlin**, Hull-Daisetta**, Shamrock**, Water Valley
# no football
**will play 11-man football
Booker, Boys Ranch, Broaddus#, Hamlin**, Hull-Daisetta**, Shamrock**, Water Valley
# no football
**will play 11-man football
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